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Free Resume Writing Workshop
Saturday, June 3
@ 9:00 am
VC Campus

Need help putting together a resume? We’re glad to offer a free 3-part workshop to help you write an effective resume.

What you will learn

  • You will learn the latest and best resume-writing techniques
  • How to produce quality writing
  • Gain confidence in your resume and yourself
  • Enable you to develop you personal brand
  • Networking skills

Where & when

Saturdays, June 3, 10, and 17, 9am-11am (Participants should plan on attending all 3 Saturdays)
Multipurpose Room, VCNP Campus

Bring the following items with you

Pen or pencil
Written work history
Laptop computer (optional)

All participants need to register in advance.

Register now

Vineyard Church North Phoenix