Our main campus where thousands gather each weekend to worship.
Our campus in Surprise where hundreds gather each weekend.
Personal & spiritual growth happen when we dig into the life of our local church. At VC there are lots of ways to help out, grow in your faith & relationships.
Open 7 days a week serving 200 families each week from our Compassion Building.
We now offer a Medical Clinic & Gospel Justice Center offering affordable legal assistance!
Our main campus where thousands gather each weekend to worship.
Our campus in Surprise where hundreds gather each weekend.
Personal & spiritual growth happen when we dig into the life of our local church. At VC there are lots of ways to help out, grow in your faith & relationships.
Open 7 days a week serving 200 families each week from our Compassion Building.
We now offer a Medical Clinic & Gospel Justice Center offering affordable legal assistance!
Learn how to effectively pray for and minister to others.
Ministry Training I & II are classes designed to help you learn how to pray for other people effectively.
We believe that every follower of Jesus can learn skills to partner with the Holy Spirit as He heals, delivers, and works in people’s lives both inside and outside the church. Ministry Training I is required to become a Small Group Leader or serve on our Ministry Team.
Ministry Training I topics include:
Ministry Training II goes deeper, with topics like ministering to people afflicted by demonic spirits, inner healing, and more.
For more information contact Marty Kaiser
Email or call at 623.934.4000