Child Dedication

A commitment to raising a healthy family together in the way of Jesus.

Next: Saturday, April 26 @ 5:00 pm

Child dedication is a commitment made by parents to God, giving themselves to the work of laying a godly foundation in the life of their child.

We are asking God to give us the tools we need to raise our child into a morally upright individual with godly character.

We encourage you to invite your friends and family to the dedication ceremony to help you celebrate this important decision in your life as a parent.

Related: Invite a friend to VC / VC Kids


All of us come from different backgrounds and bring different expectations to this ceremony. Some of you or your family members have had experience with infant baptism.

Dedication is not the same as baptism. Through dedicating a child, parents are making a commitment to raise that child according to God’s Word and His ways. It is important to understand that dedication is not about the child’s salvation; instead, it is about the parent’s decision to raise that child in the training and instruction of the Lord so they can later make a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ.

No, but both are welcome even if one parent does not attend VCNP as long as they are in agreement with the guidelines of Child Dedication.

Note: Parents in a cohabitating situation will be asked to wait until they are married to dedicate their child. We believe scripture is clear with regards to God’s best in this area of family life.

We understand that there are many different family dynamics in our society today. However, unless the person wishing to dedicate the child is ultimately responsible for the care and upbringing of that child, they will not be allowed to dedicate the child.

No. As long as at least one of the parents has attended VCNP on a regular basis for four months or longer and the parent is in alignment with the guidelines of Child Dedication.

Upcoming Dates

Saturday, April 26, 2025
Saturday, October 11, 2025

Child Dedication Class

To dedicate your child at VC,  you must first take the online class at least two weeks prior to the dedication (this allows us time to plan). You’ll be able to register for an upcoming ceremony once the class is completed.


For more information contact Julio Lopez
Email or call at 623.934.4000

Vineyard Church North Phoenix